
Field Visit TO CGIP- CG Field Visit Report

Field Visit TO CGIP  Report Saksham Shrestha 06.02.2023 11 th GRADE Management Date: 06-02-2023 Place: CG Industrial Park (Nawalparasi) Total no of Students: 41 (11, 12 Students) Total no of Teachers: 03 INTRODUCTION: With a profile history of over 140 years, CG Group is a Multinational Company with more than 136 companies in 15 different businesses and spanning in business in more than 35 countries. Its businesses include financial services, consumer goods, education, hospitality, energy, consumer electronics, real estate, biotech, and alternative medicine . Field visit is the importance part of education where we students can learn practically what we learn in class. As a part of education, my college organized field visits to CG Industrial Park (CGIP). CGIP is located at Nawalparasi , spanning over 137 acres of land, about 185 km by road from Kathmandu, the Capital of Nepal. We, there, visit three forms i.e., Noodles, packaging and cigarette forms. We spent around 3-4 hours there.

How Corruption Can Be Controlled In Nepal - ChresthaXakxham Opinion


What is corruption?

    The term Corruption refers to the abuse done by a particular person or organization, who misuse their authority or power for their personal benefits-cash or other benifits.

    Bribe is the common example of corruption.

IMG Source: www.thenews.com.pk

    Solution to minimize Corruption:

  • Digital Money:


  • Use of technology:


  • Decentralization of Power or Authority:
Decentralization IMG

                Centralization of power is the foremost way to welcome corruption. If worker having center authority results corruption. So, decentralization of authority among workers, politicians and others may result decrease in rate. 

  • Regular Property Valuation:

                Most of the earning form corruption is seems to utilize in property. So, it can be minimized by regular property valuation from concerned authority. By doing such things brings out the investment of corrupted men, which may lead to decrease in the rate of corruption.

  • Mentality:

                    One of the ways to decrease the rate of corruption is to change the mentality of people. People having corrupted mentality leads increase in corruption. For Example: A man who took authority. Before taking authority, if he planned to do such thing, he may do such work. So here, government and other stakeholder should play a vital role. By sharing awareness among individuals living in the society or nation can lead change in mentality.


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